From the time I got off the train till I got my truck, the Kreilkamp family and employees treated me very well. The accommodations were very nice. So far everything has gone as they said it would. Orientation went good and they all learn your name fast, your no longer a truck number, which is nice. Tim Kreilkamp was very down to earth and took time to meet with me and get to know me ..I don’t think I’ve ever met the CEO at
Scott Ricotta
Kreilkamp Driver
Kreilkamp is a solid and established trucking co. that gives you a sense of security. If you are a hard worker, you can plan your future. They have brand new equipment, trucks and trailers.. and an impressive shop. The owner’s treat you with respect and when you talk with them, they listen. They are nice people, any dept there will help you to resolve any problem. I like to work here!
Albert Saavedra
Kreilkamp Driver – 7 Years
“I like how extra how extra efforts are acknowledged & rewarded. I like the common sense, no nonsense overall approach. I am very thankful for the support for my family visits.”
Kreilkamp Driver
“I got hired right out of the Waukesha county technical college and really enjoy[ed] working for them. The family type atmosphere was nice. After a time I left and three years later I came back and am very happy. These guys will work with you as best as they can. I also came back to honor my father who passed away in October 2015. I feel like I’m a whole person again, I truly love my job and enjoy this awesome company.”
Lee Dicristo
Kreilkamp Driver
“Been here for almost 4 years. Overall not a bad setup.”….”Believe it or not I do enjoy working here. I do have to say that the assistance I received from the office staff during my time off was highly appreciated and that I am very grateful for their kind words. Their extreme willingness to help navigate all the paperwork and [red-tape] involved. Cannot say how awesome they were to deal with overall. Thank you thank you thank you!”
Jack DeBauche
Kreilkamp Driver – 4 Years